Lower School Faculty

Alysha Gonzalez
Fourth Grade

Andrea Knapp
Lower School Art

Angie Sims
Cheer Coach

Bailey Corbin-Hill
First Grade

Becky Morris
Third Grade

Brooke Dunn
Second Grade

Cindy Cantrell
Second Grade

Jamie Shoemaker

Jennifer Bates
Pre - K4

Kayla Hanna
Pre - K4

Kaysi Jacks

Kim Hill
Middle School

Molly Riggs
Third Grade

Paula Clifton
Fourth Grade

Sara Smith
First Grade

Tracy Hammons
Middle School

Vicki Steadman
Middle School

Wilis Thomas
Lower School Physical Education
Upper School Faculty

Amber Vander Lugt
Upper School Math

Annice Bumpus
Substitute Coordinator

Bobby Eubanks
Upper School Athletics/ P.E.

Charlie Rogers
Athletic Director; Head Football and Baseball Coach

Cori Fetters
Upper School Art

Diane Daniels
Upper School Bible & History

Donna Humphries
Upper School Principal / Concurrent Psychology

Doris Reed
Upper School Student Services

Doug Reed
Upper School Science

Gale Combs
Upper School Science & Head Softball Coach

Jessica Gillson
Upper School Social Sciences

Joe Casey
Upper School Math

Joshua Jones
Band Director

Kim Marak
Upper School English

Lori Williford
Upper School English

Phillip Prime
11th Grade Bible, Upper School Spanish

Roderick Weaver
Upper School Athletics

Sara Cope

Sarah Clements
Middle School Bible

Sheryl Evans
Upper School Student Services

Stacey Hobby
Academic Advisor/ Upper School English/ Drama

Sydney Jones
Vice Principal / Upper School Math

Wendy Cunningham
Upper School Spanish
General Staff

Cristen Srebalus
Financial Office

Jennifer Palermo
Director of Admissions

Lily White
Financial Office

Mandy Pitts
Executive Assistant

Sarah Lackie
School Nurse

Theresa Billson